
Kelvar’s Korner

Welcome to the site. This is the official site for yours truly, Kelvar Jadewalker. I am an avid Star Wars semi-nerd, MMO fan and player. Kelvar is the avatar I use when playing video games and connecting with fellow gamers.

I play a lot, I am very experienced in the games I play. But if you’re looking for elite game play this is not the site where you will find it .

This website is a mix of my experiences of the games I play.  I may feature some of the highlights of my gameplay, like personal raiding achievements.

Or I may create some  basic how to guides, like leveling, crafting or raiding.

Or I may create some let’s play content where we quest and go to a fantasy land far, far, away.

You will definately  get my unsolicited thoughts about the games I play. The good, bad and the ugly.

Who knows what this can turn into? Buckle up and enjoy the ride!

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